Online Office
The office is open between 8.30am and 3.30pm term-time only.
Office Assistants - Mrs Helen Hodges each day and Mrs Wendy Papagno (Wednesdays and Thursdays)
Telephone - 01580 713895
Email -
Useful Info
PE days
TBC for Sept
Forest School
Forest School is on Tuesday afternoons – if you can help, please contact the office – we always need helpers to make this run successfully.
Year groups are linked to term number to try to make things easier – children should wear long sleeves and covered legs on this day, not uniform as they will get messy. Forest school will not be cancelled this year as this caused confusion last year. If we do not have enough parent volunteers for certain activities (eg campfires) then we will just run other activities that may be on the school site for safety.
Term 1 (Sept - Oct) – Year 1 Giraffes
Term 2 (Nov - Dec) - Year 2 Elephants
Term 3 (Jan – Feb) – Y3 Zebras
Term 4 (Feb – March) – Y4 Rhinos
Term 5 (April – May) – Y5 Eagles
Term 6 (June – July) – YR Lions and Y6 Leopards – more info nearer the time from our forest leaders about how this will work, but usually 3 sessions each class.
Fruit and Water
Please can we remind you that we only provide fruit / vegetable snacks for children in KS1 as part of the government scheme. You are welcome to bring in similar healthy snacks for children in KS2 (Y3-6).
Children need a water bottle, freshly-filled, each day.
Car Park
Thank you for your support in remembering not to double park along the left-hand side of the car park when coming into school for drop off or collection of children. This makes the driveway too narrow to manoeuvre and congested.
Remember the Milk House kindly offer their car park if you want easy parking and a little walk to school to avoid the traffic. This applies before school and at the end of the day.
Thankyou to the Milk House for this kind offer to our families.